Instructions to follow before the operation:
1 – Before the operation period of two weeks you should stop using drugs such as aspirin blood aspirin and other drugs …..
2 – You should not drink alcohol completely before the operation period of 3 days of the operation.
- Inform your doctor of all medications you use for chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart, blood pressure, tuberculosis, acute diseases, etc.
- Antidepressants, anticoagulants, etc. should not be taken for 2 weeks before the procedure and please inform your doctor if you have taken any of these medications during this period.
- Do not put any topical medication on the scalp and hair before the operation
6 – Wash your hair before the operation and do not use any hair fixer or cosmetic after washing
7 – Make sure to get a snack before the operation.
- At least 24 hours prior to the procedure, if possible, do not smoke, if you can not try to reduce them, remember that smoking will prolong the healing process.
- Be sure not to drink coffee or any other type of caffeine or tea at least 3 days before the day of the operation, as it increases the bleeding and sensitivity of drugs used during the operation
- Do not take any type of vitamin containing vitamin A or B before the operation one week because it will increase the bleeding.
- Since you will not be able to drive for 12 hours after the operation, if you will come in your car, make sure another person is with you
- You should bring easy-to-wear clothes such as a shirt and this kind of clothing for easy wearing after the operation.