Breast tissue growth in men is called gynecomastia also if there is a fat accumulated in the breast its called false gynecomastia , it may include growth of breast tissue in men due to hormonal reasons, or the use of some medications, or organic causes such as liver disorder or for unkonwon reasons.
In boys while they are in their puberty period breast tissues do not require surgical intervention and it will pass but the gynecomastia that is caused by other reasons it will need treatment and if there was gynecomastia caused from unknown reasons, surgical intervention can be used in this case, gynecomastia rate and the appropriate surgical can be determined by an experienced doctor if the gynecomastia needs surgical intervention or simple operation so if the gynecomastia was caused by excess fat, those fat can be removed by liposuction and this will correct the appearance and you will get rid of that problem and make you happy, and this way is a very simple , short operation by using either the local anaesthesia or general anaesthesia and the patient may go back to their work or school after couple of days after resting, but after the surgery the patient must wear a corset for few weeks only.