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Bülent Türkyılmaz | Teosyal Redensity 1 Teosyal Redensity 1 – Bülent Türkyılmaz
0 212 225 21 02 +90 533 422 47 33 info@bulentturkyilmaz.com

Teosyal Redensity 1

Teosyal Redensity I

Prevents skin aging

Restores skin firmness

Increases skin brightness


How is this treatment applied?

Teosyal® PureSense Redensity [I] microinjections are applied to the skin surface.

Recommended treatment protocol:

3 sessions at 3-week intervals for fast and increased results


What areas can be injected with this treatment?

Face – Neck – forehead to achieve a harmonious and brighter appearance.

What are its benefits?

The substances it contains spread to the skin cells, increasing the efficiency of the cells and tightening the dermis layer without increasing the volume.

The skin regains its healthy appearance and youthful radiance.

Teosyal®   PureSense Redensity [I] contains ingredients that strengthen the cells and gradually re-absorb like any other skin component, leaving the skin soft and refreshed.


What is the time to do this treatment?

At any time of the year, especially when your skin needs it:

– To prepare the skin before long exposure to the sun

– To repair skin after prolonged exposure to the sun

– Before special days

– After a stressful period


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