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Vaser High Definition

Vaser High Definition For Men

This technique not only to liposuction from belly and the sides only but the main reason is building the male body and to show the muscles side in the body like the bodies in the magazines and the movies and it can be discussed with the doctor before the surgery if there was areas in the body you want it to be highlight it, the body is divided to 5 areas

1- The upper body which is the arms

2- Chest area

3- Belly area and the sides

4- Back area

5- The legs

preferred areas in males are the belly, chest and showing the muscles in it, for arms this technique increase the appearance of muscles, biceps and triceps muscles. increase showing the muscles in the chest area, regarding the belly and sides it helps showing belly muscles and carving it. same results for the other areas of the body, no incision will be made on the body, holes will be made with only 3mm width and all of it will disappear in one week and it won’t show any scars the surgery is done under general ansethia in the hospital it take from 2 – 7 hours. after surgery, the patient wear a special corset for 2 – 4 weeks. the results will appear directly after the surgery there may be bruises and swelling, but those all disappear in 7 – 10 days. patient may go back to their normal life after 2 -6 days.


who are the appropriate male patients for this technique?

1- The people who regularly do sports and suffer from burn fate around the muscle and showing it.

2- Young middle-aged men

3- males with BMI less than 30

4- Males that are structurally weak

5- Males who lost a lot of weight and this weight loss caused slouch this technique.

In general the patient who do not suffer from over weight and fat accumulation this technique may be applied and they will get great permanent results, incase you do not do any kind of sports after surgery you will be able to o sport and it will help showing the muscles more and if you didn’t do any sport the muscles will stay as is unless you gained a lot of weight. this technique may be used with other surgery specially self fat injection surgery for example after the surgery you can do injection again in other areas to show the muscles more.


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